Spa Queen Expo 2023

Spa Queen Expo 2023

Recap Spa Queen Expo 2023

The highly anticipated Spa Queen Expo, organized by the esteemed @sixfigurespachick, took place on September 16, 2023. This event brought together a collection of experts in the spa industry that you rarely see outside of their respective businesses. The presence of renowned individuals such as @niccktownsendsalon, @josiesrushing, @iam_terrancebonner, @antinese.com_, and @jessicawaxdayspa added an air of excitement and exclusivity to the event.

The success of the Spa Queen Expo would not have been possible without the generous support of its sponsors. @beautykulture101, @taethewaxsnob, @bnbtherapeutics, and @the_credit_hero deserve special recognition for their contributions. Their financial backing ensured the creation of an exceptional evening for all spa professionals in attendance.

     The Expo was truly a spectacle, promising to be an unforgettable experience. Hosted by the charismatic @bigsexyofficial, it attracted a diverse audience. The pitch competition judges, who included @the.locd.esti, @royalglow_aesthetics, and @waistedbydrtina, offered cash prizes to participants, adding an element of competition and motivation to the event.


     One of the highlights of the Expo was the opportunity to earn Continuing Education Units (CEU) provided by @phillytimeoutspa. This aspect allowed attendees to further develop their skills and expand their knowledge in the spa industry. The Exhibition and Demo Hall showcased the latest products and techniques, offering professionals the chance to witness firsthand the innovations shaping the industry.

  In addition, @activatedlaw generously offered a trademark giveaway, adding an element of excitement and exclusivity to the event. The Spa Tank Watch Party and the Friday night Welcome Party hosted by @zenbella  provided networking opportunities and a chance to unwind after a day of intensive learning and exploration.

    The Expo also served as the platform for the highly anticipated Spa Queen Magazine Reveal. This publication has become a staple in the industry, offering valuable insights and inspiration to spa professionals. Its unveiling was met with great enthusiasm and anticipation.

   The growth of the Spa Queen Expo has been remarkable. From its humble beginnings in Atlanta, where only five guests were in attendance, to its now sold-out conference rooms in recent years, the event has become a must-attend for spa professionals. The 5th Black Spa Expo marked a significant milestone, highlighting the importance of celebrating and supporting black professionals in the industry.

  The Expo offered a blend of education, networking opportunities, CEU credits, demos, and the chance to connect with manufacturers. This comprehensive approach ensured that attendees left the event feeling inspired, motivated, and equipped with the latest industry knowledge. Moreover, the chance to win cash prizes added an element of excitement and recognition for the talented professionals present.

  The Spa Queen Expo is not merely a gathering; it is an event that celebrates the culture and achievements of black professionals in the spa industry. It serves as a platform to showcase their expertise, foster connections, and inspire future generations. The 5th Black Spa Expo brought together over 300 black spa professionals under one roof, creating a sense of community and camaraderie that is unparalleled.

  As the event concluded, attendees left with a renewed sense of purpose and a drive to excel in their respective fields. The Expo was a testament to the growth and potential within the spa industry, and it served as a reminder that with determination and hard work, success is attainable.

  In conclusion, the Spa Queen Expo 2023 was a resounding success, and it cemented itself as a premier event within the industry. The dedication and passion of @sixfigurespachick, along with the support of sponsors and the participation of esteemed professionals, contributed to its triumph. The event provided a platform for education, networking, and recognition, highlighting the achievements of black spa professionals and inspiring future generations. The Spa Queen Expo is undoubtedly a beacon of excellence in the spa industry, and all roads lead to this remarkable event.


Windy Smiley


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